Location: Iraq

I'm a little home-sick, Doc, but I think I'll be better soon.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Who's dancing in Iraq? Well, a lot of people but that's not what this blog is about. It's about me, you know....ME. Like Bette Midler said in "BEACHES"....."Enough about me, lets talk about you....What do YOU think about me?” And, Iraq. So here is a blog about Me and about Iraq, Me in Iraq and perhaps Iraq in Me.

Why Dancing Goat? Long story but it's the coffee I drink. And my beautiful wife makes sure I have it here in Iraq. My hooch (the place I sleep) smells like a coffee house every morning. My little piece of Americana, right here in Besmaya. Dancing Goat, a coffee, also seems fitting because a lot of people read blogs as they sip coffee in their kitchen or in an internet cafe. Finally, I like the name.

Why another blog from Iraq? First, I created this blog to provide friends and family information about my deployment so that they will not worry so much about me. Second, I want to provide friends, family, strangers and enemies my perspective of the situation here. Third, I want to report on the places I go and the people I meet while I'm here in this ancient land. I hope everyone who checks it out will be educated somewhat, entertained somewhat, and maybe even pissed-off somewhat by the things I say and report. I promise I will never lie or exaggerate. I'll call em like I see em, but be ye warned; I wear bi-focals. I'm not like Rush Limbaugh - I'm sometimes wrong. He is too but I'm man enough to admit it. Please feel free to disagree, but remember, RESPECT is an Army Value. Thank you.

My perspective is that of an older Soldier, not a young trigger puller. A twenty two year Lieutenant Colonel who is seeing his first tour of duty in a combat zone. That's right, when I was a young, gun slinging Airborne Ranger, I couldn't find a war anywhere. The Russians wouldn't cooperate so I left active duty to pursue business in the early 90s. The Russians would have been an easier proposition. I hung around the reserves because I wasn't sure I could just quit the army - cold turkey. Fast forward to now.....Having just left battalion command after three years, I finally got a ticket to the dance (notice the throw-back to the blog name?). I couldn't deploy until I finished my tour as battalion commander. Iraq is much easier than that gig, let me tell ya. Anyway, so many people have been posting blogs that are so negative or either are so rosy that you need a shower when you finish reading them. Well, I've had about enough of that. So this will be my story. Thanks for caring enough to read it.

Next Time: My journey here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, your favorite music groups--you need help. I'm with you on Casting Crowns & Third Day but where is George Strait, Kenny Cheney & Allan Jackson?? I hope this gets to you, but not writing anymore just yet as I'm new to this "blog" stuff...from your sister-in-law in Texas....we are praying for you, Terry

8:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey when are you going to add more? I really like is interesting. And I agree with Aunt Terry about the music. I love you!!!

1:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey man, missed you last week down at the beach. Needed some competition playing Tiga Tiga Woods.Had to school Andrew and Michael at every opportunity. Sharon and the girls spent more time at Starbucks than the beach.Already looking forward to next summer so we can spend some time walking the beach.That is of course if you are not sick of sand by then! Love the info on the blog. Keep it comming.Praying for you and all of the guys.......

8:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I always say we're praying for you and it's so true but this "blog" brings it really close to home....for us "unmilitary people" and it is good for us to share what you write with those who only see what's in the media...oh! did you know there are people like that out there???? Anyway, I love telling everyone about my intelligent, great, funny brother-in-law....I will say I've tried to call your sweet wife to say I didn't think the first time I saw a picture of your new home would be sent from Besmaya, rather than Georgia!! However, we keep missing each other. That Leah: she has great taste in music...just like her Aunt Terry. Always praying, Terry

8:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know nothin bout my golf game needin work nor my game in Tiga Woods... I don't believe I lost a square match! It would seem I've been out of school too long, but I'm not missing it. Leah's excited and I'm dreading it. Hey, but once school starts you can call me any time your time and you can bet I'll be awake! Sleeping is overrated anyway.
Love you,

3:59 PM  

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