Location: Iraq

I'm a little home-sick, Doc, but I think I'll be better soon.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Cheap Sunglasses

I hear some people go all the way down to Key West just to see a spectacular sunset. Well, they ought to come to Besmaya if they want to see a spectacular sunrise.

I happen to be a sunrise sort of guy. Don't get me wrong, when I'm walking with that special someone...and we know who she is...on the beach, a perfect sunset can't be beat. But here at Besmaya, mornings are my time.

And, as you see here, MSG O enjoys a good sun rise too.

But when the big heat tab in the sky turns on the afterburners, it's time to bring out the cheap sunglasses. Here are Ali (the pirate out of the Caribbean), me and Doc Carter striking a pose for the Acme Sunglass Company. Ali and Carter are two of my very good interpreter friends. Nicer guys you'll never meet. I call Carter "Doc" because he is a third year med student.

We even let the students in our cheap sunglass club. Here's the guy we call "Prince", on the right, and one of his "Revolution" in the foreground. For those of you who don't know, "The Artist Formerly Known as Prince" (and once again known as "Prince"), has a band he calls, "The Revolution". Our "Prince" got his name because he's such a NEAT guy. And, he has a couple of very close friends who go with him everywhere. I mean everywhere. But that's not unusual in this culture. Sometimes we see the three of them arms interlocked as they go to and fro. It took us (Americans) a while to get used to that. Almost as long as the Arab greeting with a peck on each cheek (the dreaded "man kiss").

And here's a final "self portrait". Me modeling some not-so-cheap sunglasses. Notice the Starbucks bag on the wall of my hooch. Chic like a freak. Somebody's gonna get lucky with these babies.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

For some reason, I can access the photos any longer....I just took a "break" from work and got caught up on the blog. Actually, since you talked about your "annoying family in Texas" back in July, it has hurt me so, I couldn't write (ha, ha). It would be weird explaining a Terry married to a Terry; but here we are almost 34 years later. I left you a note on your e-mail. And of course it IS Hook Em Horns 'cause after Ohio State blew them out on National TV, we'll see what the rest of the season has in store. I printed out all your blog entries because you know we are the "technology-challenged" side of the Beasley family and Terry likes to keep up with everything going on over there. Maybe I need to mail you a "country cd" know "bring you up to speed". I'll get the mail address from Sharon. I saw where people are sending you stuff and we want to, too! Just wanted to drop a note. Love you, Your sister-in-law from TEXAS

8:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey man,
Good to see your ugly mug again. I hope those glasses do the job because they are uuuugly...Looks like something I would wear!!Can't believe you made mention to the artist "formerly known as prince" or prince or whatever he goes by these days. The real mention should go to that little ol'band from Texas, ZZ-Top who made "cheap sunglasses" chic.....Noticed on the last blog you were out of town a few days. Hope you flew Delta!!!
Sorry you are having to live through all the heat over there since there is a touch of Fall in the air here. Nice pictures you are posting, keep it up.....

8:40 AM  

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