Location: Iraq

I'm a little home-sick, Doc, but I think I'll be better soon.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Another Week Done

Hello everyone. Today was a good day. We got the students through another week of training and I got promoted! Yes, I’m now a Colonel. Actually, I have been since 18 January but I put off pinning on the eagle until my Iraqi friends were all back from their leave. I’ll post pictures on the next blog entry.

Well, we had a busy week here at Lake Besmaya. I say lake because it rained about a half inch over night. Doesn’t sound like much, but it’s flat here and the desert soil does not absorb the water. So, the landscape looks like a giant 2” deep lake. It will stay that way until the sun and the wind dry things out again. Rather than go into a lot of detail, I’ll just show you some pictures.

Here I am before I went home on leave. This is the Presidential Palace, where I hang out when I’m in the IZ. It’s now part of the US Embassy complex, but they allow us to hang out in the presidential ball room (where Saddam used to entertain guests). It has a neat coffee bar and internet café. Those are Girl Scout cookies in my hand.

I’m glad I’m not in the British Army. They endure endless tormenting about the feathers (their plumage). This has led to more than one fight that I know of.

My staff and the Iraqi cadre greeting the new students.
Me sharing words of western wisdom. Notice they all seem to be staring off in the distance… the direction of the clock. Gee whiz, will this guy ever shut up?

Major Tony Ratliff teaching students to use sand tables as part of their planning process.

Students doing land navigation. Notice the smoke stacks in the background. This is a massive brick factory complex about ten miles to our north. The Iraqis fuel the ovens with anything that burns, like pure petroleum, coal and roadside rubbish. This is an excellent example of why the U.S.A. will not sign the Kyoto treaty….because it will never stop the world polluters from polluting. Here, it’s pollution or starvation. Pick your poison.

A couple of examples of Iraqi driving…..Hey, this looks like a good place to run off the road.

“You stupid truck.”

But all’s well and another week ends at Besmaya.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That driver makes me look good! Congratulations on the promotion!!! I love you.

8:19 PM  

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