Location: Iraq

I'm a little home-sick, Doc, but I think I'll be better soon.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Just Like The Animals

Has anybody noticed that April is a bad month? Bad things happen in April, not just income tax either. Tornados rip appart the midwest and southeast in April, killing thousands through the years. Wars start in April. Murders happen in April (Dr. King was murdered on April 4th). The Titanic hit the ice on an April evening. And for some reason, lots of masacres happen in April; Chicago, Belfast, St Peterberg, Tiananmen, Rwanda, Tblisi, Waco, Oklahoma City, Columbine now Blacksburg, Virginia. Adolf Hitler was born in April.

Maybe we should outlaw April. Yes, somebody get the Senator on the phone. Get special interest mobilzed, lobbiest moving. This is going to be big. We have statistics to show that April is the most dangerous time of the year. More people die in April than any other month. April Kills! It's bad for our kids! It must be done away with.

And sheep and cattle, even horses get out of control in April. You know the trouble we've had here at Besmaya. They must be locked up. Well, I spoke to the sheep and they agreed that being locked up wasn't so bad. At least while they were in the jail they received plenty of food and drink. But the best thing, according to the sheep, they were protected from fools with guns.

Note to self....outlaw fools.


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